Berita Kampus

Universitas Bakrie Menyelenggarakan Seminar dan Bedah Buku Bersama St. Sularto: “Gratitude Practices in Organizations”

Sikap syukur erat sekali hubungannya dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Banyak yang mengetahui manfaat dari rasa syukur, namun tak sedikit pula diantaranya belum bersyukur. Membahas rasa syukur, kali ini program studi Manajemen menghadirkan M. Taufiq Amir (Kaprodi […]

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Pendaftaran Kuliah


Universitas Trisakti atau singkatannya Usakti memiliki program studi 9 fakultas. Apa saja itu? Dibawah ini lebih lengkapnya. Fakultas hukum Fakultas ekonomi Fakultas teknologi industri Fakultas kedokteran umum Fakultas teknil sipil dan perencanaan Fakultas kedokteran gigi […]

Beasiswa Kuliah Di Luar Negeri

Living Stipend Scholarships, Bond University, Australia

Bond University, Australia, is offering living stipend scholarships for all students commencing Doctoral degree in 2017. The scholarship will provide living allowance of $26,288 per annum for outstanding full time students and pro rata for […]

Beasiswa Kuliah Di Luar Negeri

Business School Master Scholarships, University of Leeds, UK

Leeds University Business School is offering scholarships for students from UK, EU, and Overseas commencing Master programs in academic year 2017 / 2018. Applicants must hold a conditional / unconditional offer to study Master degree at […]

Beasiswa Kuliah Di Luar Negeri

Fully Funded PhD Scholarships, University of Manchester, UK

Fully funded scholarships are available to all students from any country and research areas within the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures, School of Environment, Education and Development, School of Law, Manchester Business School and […]

Beasiswa Kuliah Di Luar Negeri

Living Allowance + Tuition Fees Doctoral Scholarships, University of Waikato, New Zealand

University of Waikato – New Zealand, is offering doctoral scholarships for students from any country commencing study in academic year 2016 – 2017. Scholarships are available for new and current students. Applicants should normally be […]

Beasiswa Kuliah Di Luar Negeri

PhD Studentship in Mathematics, University of Sussex, UK

PhD studentship is available in the Department of Mathematics, University of Sussex – UK. Studentship is available for students from any country commencing study in academic year 2016 – 2017. Studentship is available for new […]